Friday, February 29, 2008

I Know the Plans I Have for you

I visited a church called the Living Room. It was amazing experience! God was definitely there and received healing while I was there. Emotional healing from my past. It felt great to give my burdens to Him. For so long I thought He couldn't love me unconditionally because of my imperfections. The devil is a liar! He loved me so much and continues to love me so much that He literally shut me up one day.
You're probably wondering why would such a loving God shut me up. I'll tell you why, because I had been busy ranting and raving about my insecurities, needs, anxieties, fears and troubles. He longed so much to empower me and free my soul from those hindrances in my life. He simply wanted me to be still and just listen. I heard the most beautiful words any woman would dream hearing. " I know the plans I have for you. Rest in Me. I will take care of you."
Whoa, unbelievable! I can rest in knowing He's in control. I am not worry or fear whether or not He will provide. My Lord is faithful and He will conquer on my behalf!!!
Comfort Her