Friday, September 26, 2008

My Reflection in the mirror

When I look in the mirror
I'll tell you what I see
I see someone who's been through tough currents in her life
Her eyes glow as she's eager to continue her journey
She's changed! Oh how much she's changed
No longer does she surrender to the need to overeat
That was once her way to ease the pain
She loves the details God has knitted on her
Her eyes, lips, mouth and nose
Oh how she cherishes those
She sees there's no longer a need to gaze at the teen magasines
She's finally found true beauty
She knows and understands she's the apple of His eyes
The King is enthralled by her beauty
When I look in the mirror
I'll tell you what I see
I see His most prized possession
She knows she's fearfully and wonderfully made
Comfort Her